Our News

Alleviate Stress with I AM Yoga Nidra™

Alleviate Stress with I AM Yoga Nidra™

Join certified I AM Yoga Nidra facilitators Curt Gibson and Deanna Gray for this stress relieving workshop. Experience the deepest levels of meditation where the consequences of stress are reversed, where blood pressure and cortisol levels drop, the heart rate slows, and the body unlocks its own healing potential. Save the dates! Sunday, March 31 Creating balance in a stressful…

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Staying Grounded Over the Holidays

Staying Grounded Over the Holidays

With so many activities the holidays can be a stressful time. It’s easy to get caught up in a busy schedule. When this happens we often lose the ability to be present. It’s so easy to become preoccupied with our thoughts; our to do lists, feeling lonely, concerns on whether our gifts are good enough, or concerns if we’re even…

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Yoga reduces the negative effects of stress

Yoga reduces the negative effects of stress

Ever wondered why you feel so great after yoga? Yoga reduces the effects negative of stress through the brain and the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). Stress activates the hypothalamus in the unconscious brain which activates the sympathetic nervous system. External factors, like being chased by a tiger or internal factors like worry, can trigger the sympathetic arm of the ANS causing the…

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