With so many activities the holidays can be a stressful time. It’s easy to get caught up in a busy schedule. When this happens we often lose the ability to be present. It’s so easy to become preoccupied with our thoughts; our to do lists, feeling lonely, concerns on whether our gifts are good enough, or concerns if we’re even good enough. This can be exhausting and ungrounded to say the least. These thoughts can even manifest as physical ailments like lower back pain, insomnia, and anxiety.
Working with our energy center known as the Root Chakra, Muladhara can help us stay grounded during this chaotic time of year. When we think of the root chakra, the first chakra located at the base of our spine, we can ask ourselves, what keeps me grounded? What makes me feel secure? What nourishes me? The answers to these questions are where we can focus our energy to stay grounded and revitalize our energy.
Here are a few ideas on how to stay grounded and present during this holiday season.
- Meditate – There are some great root chakra videos on you tube. Do a search and find one you like. The next time you’re stressed, take a few minutes to meditate with one of these videos. Here’s a good one I found. Root chakra meditation
- Yoga – Here are a few postures that help activate and clear energy in the root chakra… Balancing poses like dancing shiva, standing forehead to knee, tree, and eagle. Poses that ground your feet and legs to the earth like standing squat, triangle, mountain, and half moon. If your new to yoga take a yoga class to become familiar with these postures. Check out our class schedule here.
- Treat yourself – get a massage, pedicure, walk in nature. Schedule time to do more of what you love!
- Get out – the holidays can stir up emotions related to loss and abandonment leaving us feeling lonely. Find your tribe, people who nourish your soul. Go to church (Unity of Palm Harbor is my fav), find a club on meetup.com. You can check out this online site that helps match people with their interests, GambolLife.com.
And if you’re not up to actually getting off the sofa – phone a friend and let them know you’re thinking of them. (They might be feeling lonely too!)
Being present is the greatest gift you can give yourself and everyone else.
Happy Holidays – Remember to Breathe!